1st Cut off list of admission 2024-25                                                                                                                             Online Admission open for the session 2023-2024                                                                                                                            

About Us


Educating children is a great responsibility and a privilege in equal measure. To make it work we need to put a lot in it.
The School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. The medium of instruction is English and the second language for all classes up to VIII is Hindi. Sanskrit/ French are a third choice from classes VI to VIII.
We have oriented extremely outstanding result in both our Classes XII and X Board examinations. Students are made to feel connected to everything that goes on in the world- through projects, curriculum related activities like excursions, workshops, lectures, seminars, films and national and international festivals and anniversaries. Teachers and students workshops are conducted by eminent subject experts. Counselors and teachers work with parents to guide students identify their capabilities and potentials. Classes IX, X, XI and XII are given special counseling. At senior secondary level two streams are offered – namely Commerce and Science.




Why Mount Abu School

Follow the glorious path laid down by Mount Abu School

The senior secondary CBSE school in Rohini instills a love for learning in children, preparing them for higher education and life. To be a centre of Excellence dedicated to provide versatile and comprehensive education system to prepare students for global challenges while maintaining the rich Indian culture and traditional wisdom.

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